Empowering Women through Craft: Unleashing Creativity and Confidence

In the heart of Nottingham, a powerful movement is underway, one that's changing lives and creating ripples of empowerment throughout the community. Skilled Hands Organisation CIC, a beacon of hope, is making its mark by enabling women to discover their innate potential, not only as craftswomen but also as entrepreneurs and champions of their own destinies.

Crafting Dreams into Reality

Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where dreams are nurtured and transformed into beautiful creations that reflect the essence of each individual. Skilled Hands Organisation CIC is turning this vision into a reality, offering a diverse range of artisan craft workshops that span Dressmaking, Bagmaking, Jewellery Making, Soap Making, and Millinery. But these workshops are more than just a collection of crafting techniques; they're pathways to empowerment and self-discovery.

Unveiling Entrepreneurial Journeys

For countless women in Nottingham, Skilled Hands has been the catalyst for change. What begins as a step into a workshop soon evolves into a journey of transformation. We've had the privilege of witnessing women transition from being homemakers, caregivers, or jobseekers to proud entrepreneurs. With the skills acquired at Skilled Hands, these women have dared to envision their own businesses, crafting a new chapter of financial independence and creative fulfillment.

Crafting Confidence and Healing

The therapeutic power of craft is a cornerstone of Skilled Hands' mission. We recognize that artistry goes beyond just the tangible; it delves into the realm of mental well-being and confidence-building. Through our workshops, women have found a safe space to overcome anxiety, stress, and self-doubt. As threads are woven and designs take shape, so do newfound levels of confidence, enabling our participants to confront life's challenges with resilience and determination.

From our Beneficiaries' Voices

🌟 Abby, a beneficiary, shared, "Skilled Hands is a great way to learn new skills, either as a hobby or even to develop further to start a Small Business. It is also a nice way to meet new people and make new friends. Skilled Hands has inspired my creativity and I now do craft at home. It’s been very enjoyable making and creating new things"

🌟 Amitha, another empowered woman, expressed, "Skilled Hands has given me such confidence and helped my inner creative person to come out. I am proud to say I made many beautiful Jewelleries. People who want to start their own small businesses can benefit extremely from this organisation, they mould you into a business person with all the support and expertise available."

🌟 Chidera, a beneficiary, shared, "I look at the dresses I made for myself and my girls and I am proud of myself. 7 months ago, I couldn’t dream of threading a machine. Thank you for passing on your knowledge to other women. I highly recommend this Organisation

🌟 Lorena, a beneficiary, shared, "In my life, I have struggled greatly with mental health and I was pleasantly surprised to see the impact that the workshops had on my confidence and my overall mental health. Throughout my struggles, I found that finding help and support can sometimes be extremely difficult. When I came across these workshops, I got emotional, espercially the day I visited your centre, I saw ladies working on their sewing projects and I saw them so confident and empowered. It really is incredible to see how making bracelets or anything from scratch yourself can change your mindset. I am often embarrassed to share my feelings but on this occasion, I thought it was necessary. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart.

🌟 Melissa, another empowered woman, expressed, "Excellent Organisation, teachers are fabulous and has really helped me reignite my spark for all things crafty again. Thank you”.

🌟 Maureen, who was also empowered expressed, "I love the millinery course I did. The teacher is amazing. Thank you”.

🌟 Janet, a beneficiary, shared, "These wonderful courses has given me pleasure and creativity that will continue. When I have gone through traumatic experiences during my life, it has helped me tremendously and I find it therapeutic. It gives me something else to focus on and feel very positive about.

🌟 Amanda, another empowered woman, expressed, "I have enjoyed all the 11 weeks. It has been the highlight of every week and quite frankly the highlight of probably the past 5 years that I have been off sick. This is a wonderful organisation that has changed my life for the better during this time.

Join the Movement

The impact of Skilled Hands Organisation CIC extends beyond the workshops; it's a ripple effect that touches families, communities, and futures. Our commitment to providing accessible workshops for women with various backgrounds and financial situations is unwavering. Through collaborations with Nottingham Trent University and local women's organizations, we're creating a network of support that amplifies the impact of our mission.

Crafting a Brighter Future

The journey of empowerment continues at Skilled Hands Organisation CIC. We invite every woman in Nottingham to join us, whether to unlock a new skill, embark on an entrepreneurial adventure, or find solace in the therapeutic power of craft. Together, we're crafting not only intricate designs but also stories of courage, resilience, and transformation.


Unleash Your Creativity with Fabric Craft: Fashion, Home Decor & Accessories.


Unlocking Serenity & Joy (Crafting for a Healthier Mind)